COVID 19 has indeed brought many challenges for many people in our Redbrook community. Many of those challenges have needed creative solutions and team work
Redbrook residents, Mari Hutchings and Claudia Peake, looked for ways to keep Community and Creativity blooming during this restricted time.
REDBROOK ANGELS was born. Our aim was, and still is to keep young people inspired, motivated and interested through the arts and creativity.
Families have been introduced to new materials, skills and ways of working. Some of the outcomes can be enjoyed in the village itself, as can be seen from the photos.
We designed projects that families can work safely on at home - each week we connect via ZOOM to share, chat and celebrate. Many of our projects are completed as individuals but when they work is collated it becomes a COLLABORATION.
We continue to meet each week online - our Art Angels range in age from 3 to 13. REDBROOK ANGELS is undoubtedly a positive outcome of lock down life !
You can follow us on Facebook - @redbrookartangels
The Tie Dye Nativity 2020
Click on the YouTube link below for an exclusive preview of the Art Angels Nativity that is being released on Wednesday 23rd December 2020